Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I've always hated journaling, because I think I need to write a novel and that it needs to be perfect.  I am throwing that out and just writing a couple of words, maybe not even in a straight line and totally fragmented sentences.  I'm OK with that.

I've started (OK, its only been 2 days) writing down what I am thankful for before I go to bed as a part of this journaling.  Sort of what I give gratitude to...

Yesterday, I wrote that I was grateful for being able to see a tiny window of the old T-Boz from many years ago.  She was frisky and running (!) and playing with the neighbor dog, Oz.  Oz is a big ole husky dog and T-Boz loves him.  Seeing them "play" together is one of my favorite things.  It usually only lasts a minute or less.  T-Boz goes up to him and sniffs his nose and then runs off.  Pees.  And then Oz follows and pees.  Its my favorite.  Yesterday she did this several times and then ran around.  It was the best, and I am truly grateful for the joy that T-Boz has brought to my life.
My Sweet Poo Bear

1 comment:

  1. Even ol' folks like T-Boz and me can feel like our old selves sometimes.
