Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 6

Today I am thankful for:

  • Cupcakes
  • Ativan - it helps me sleep
  • Fleece hoodies with thumb holes
  • This blog.  I spent a good 3 hours or so re-reading my posts this weekend.  It brought perspective.  I read the comments too and felt the love again.
  • My pal Kristen - she makes me laugh and is always encouraging.
  • My ability to cook.  Thanks Mom.
  • Dr. J for helping me through the painful process of letting Tboz go.
  • My co-workers.  They make me laugh and are also very supportive.
  • This girl at work, and I forget her name, which is terrible.  But anyway, she is also a breast cancer survivor and the other day I was talking to her about hair and fear and what not and she GOT me.  She understood and has been there.  These kinds of talks are so helpful.
  • This other lady at work.  She had cancer too and has a really good perspective on fear.  This talk was also so very helpful.
Just a random note - its like all the cells in my body that produce hair woke up and started producing extra hair.  Its like the cells were all like, hey, we are supposed to shut down.  This sucks.  And then when chemo was over, they were all like, hey, time to wake up!  We're free!  Lets really get after it!  WOOHOO!  Life is good again!  And so hair is coming up everywhere.  Like on my knuckles.  I look like my dad and uncle.  I had to trim that hair on my knuckles.  Ewww.

I should take a cue from my hairs and live life like they are.  They are excited.


  1. Aw, thanks, Melinda! (assuming you're not referring to another Kristen :) I'm thankful for you, and also numbers 1-3 on today's list.

    Yes, live life like your hairs! I love it.

  2. Thanks, Mo. I think you're a great and very inventive cook and most of that was all you.
