Friday, November 11, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 8, 9 and 10

I know.  I missed a few days.  I've felt sorry for myself and couldn't get in here type up the things I am thankful for even though I know that is when I need to the most.  I hate cancer.  I am having headaches and alot of pelvic pressure and this is new.  My mind goes directly to my oncologist saying my cancer will most likely come back in my brain, bones or liver.  Well, you can guess what I think headache means...and pelvic pressure is thanks to Tamoxifen.  Sigh.

Anywho, today I am thankful for:

  • Our veterans

My Pop - Walter - on the left was in the airforce

My Pop - "Brubs" - on the left was in the navy

One of my favorite things - real vmail from my pop (Walter) to his family
  • The fact that when I lay my head down to sleep, I do not worry about bombs exploding.
  • The fact that I acknowledge my fear to serve in the military.
  • The fact that some do not have the fear and fight everyday for me.
  • The fact that I have not lost life or limb.
  • The fact that I am not impoverished.
  • Having clean water to drink.
  • Having food to eat (to excess even).
  • Having a piggy bank that I do not count on to pay my bills.
  • Having the luxury of frivolous expenditures.
  • Finding the tiny shirt that the Overtons got my precious Tboz when we first met her.    It is so tiny and is a Texas A&M shirt.  I thought I had lost it and am working on a photo album (OK, really this just means I drug out the giant crate with photos in it and it is just sitting there in my room barely touched - I hate making photo albums) and found it tucked away with my photos.  I can't believe she was ever that tiny.
  • Petfinder.  I look on this website constantly to find my new best friend.  I am thinking I would like a healthy young corgi/basset hound/jack russell mix.  Black or white and female.  I do not know if this exists, but I look all the time or when I especially miss Tboz.
  • Hair paste stuff.  William had given me a huge goody bag of hair products and today I looked through it and found some "paste".  I put a tiny bit of it in my hair to give it some..., well, just because I could.
  • Fleece vests.  I think I have 4 now and they camouflage the no boob and boob roll and stomach roll nicely.
  • Portable heaters.
  • Spinning - I totally escape for one whole glorious hour.
  • In general, that my friends are still my friends even though I am quirky and don't socialize all that well.
  • In general, that my friends are still my friends even though I may say the wrong things.
  • My new sneakers from Privo.  They are white and so comfortable.  They were my present for finally attending to Tboz' remains.
  • Big ass salads
  • My parent's friends Joe and Kat because they help take care of mom and dad.
  • My parent's friends JD and Vanita because they help take care of mom and dad.
  • The prayer that my mom said for me and Tboz the day I let her go.
  • Straight teeth.  
  • Real mail.  Like in the mailbox.
  • Cable
  • Flip flops
  • The email I received from my pal Allison.  I sure do miss her.
  • Discovering that I can make tacos using savoy cabbage as the tortilla.  They sure are good.  I'm a genius.
  • My giant diamond ring.  Even though I feel like I no longer deserve to wear it, I still do.  Suck it.

1 comment:

  1. I feel thankful for such a funny, smart, introspective friend like you. When are you coming over for dinner?
    Lori F.
