Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Run Suck Progress

I skipped my week in review.  Sorry.  Here is a recap:  I trained everyday and ate pretty well with the exception of what I posted.  Online dating sucks and will probably remain private from here on out.  WOW.  Well there it is.

Anywho - today the Run Suck factor was probably a 9.  Erin has me running in run/walk cycles.  Last week we did 4 rounds of 3 minutes running, 2 minutes walking.  This week Erin bumped it up to 4 rounds of 4 minutes running and 2 minutes walking.  HOLY RUN SUCK!  I even had to stop a couple of times.

In my defense, this was following a WOD that smoked my legs.  Have you ever heard of a GHD sit-up?  Neither had I until Crossfit.  Let me tell you, I now understand why there is an H in there.  My hamstrings were screaming.  Holy Hammy!  HA HEEEEEEEHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA  I just cracked myself up.

My running partner, Erin, did the same WOD with GHDs and ran with me and she never complained.  I on the other hand, complained alot.  I don't think complaining is OK, but I honestly wasn't feeling so great.  And it was a zillion freakin degrees again.  But with some encouragement, I completed my assignment.  So the Run Suck does seem to get a little better as the rounds go by, but it still sucks.   Freakin running.

Today Erin said sometimes you just have to accept running for what it is.  I think she said be at peace with it (who knows, I was delirious by this point).  Maybe I was seeing the angels and they were telling me to be at peace...It could have been that I was indeed dying.  But I wasn't.  I'm trying to be at peace with it.  Really I am.

More Run Suck coming on Friday.  Yippeee! (fun phrase borrowed from my friend Ashley who occasionally uses it sarcastically as well).

P.S.  I had to hide my scale.  I think I was making myself crazy.  

P.S.S.  I've been wanting to tell my fellow Dash team mates that I am nervous about being the slowest one on the team.  Well I finally did today.  They replied - well gestured - for me not to worry about it.  And then said it was going to be a "blast".  Um.  That is so not how I see it.  Why can't I think it is going to be a blast?  All I can think about is the Run Suck.  Sigh...

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